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(+44) 07 786 091 999
spiritforsport@outlook.com (+44) 07 786 091 999


We also support Military Veterans

Charities We Aim to Support

We aim to support UK-based Charitable Organisations that support sports enthusiasts, who have suffered sports injuries, need assistance for training, encourage the development of heritage sports, and encourage sports for differently abled individuals. We also aim to support Veterans for their services to the nation.

  • Enclosed below is a list of charities that we aim to support:

SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association)

Website: https://www.ssafa.org.uk

Contact: 0800 731 4880

Royal British Legion

Website: https://www.britishlegion.org.uk

Contact: 0808 802 8080

Help for Heroes

Website: https://www.helpforheroes.org.uk

Contact: 01980 844280

Combat Stress

Website: https://combatstress.org.uk

Contact: 0800 138 1619

Veterans Aid

Website: https://veterans-aid.net

Contact: 0800 012 6867

Blesma, The Limbless Veterans

Website: https://blesma.org

Contact: 020 8590 1124

Walking With The Wounded

Website: https://walkingwiththewounded.org.uk

Contact: 01263 863900

Army Benevolent Fund (ABF The Soldiers’ Charity)

Website: https://soldierscharity.org

Contact: 020 7901 8900

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Website: https://www.rafbf.org

Contact: 0300 102 1919

Royal Naval Benevolent Trust

Website: https://www.rnbt.org.uk

Contact: 023 9269 0112

The Veterans Charity

Website: https://www.veteranscharity.org.uk

Contact: 01271 371001

Blind Veterans UK

Website: https://www.blindveterans.org.uk

Contact: 0800 389 7979

The Not Forgotten Association

Website: https://thenotforgotten.org

Contact: 020 7730 2400

Care After Combat

Website: https://www.careaftercombat.org

Contact: 0300 343 0255


Website: https://www.erskine.org.uk

Contact: 0141 812 1100

Forces in Mind Trust

Website: https://www.fim-trust.org

Contact: 020 7901 8916

Haig Housing Trust

Website: https://www.haighousing.org.uk

Contact: 020 8685 5777

Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI)

Website: https://www.rbli.co.uk

Contact: 01622 795900

Scotty’s Little Soldiers

Website: https://www.scottyslittlesoldiers.co.uk

Contact: 08000 928 571

Veterans With Dogs

Website: https://www.veteranswithdogs.org.uk

Contact: 01626 798030

The Poppy Factory

Website: https://www.poppyfactory.org

Contact: 020 8940 3305

London Youth Rowing (LYR)

Website: https://www.londonyouthrowing.com

Contact: +44 20 8878 0131

Muslim Sports Foundation (MSF)

Website: http://www.muslimsportsfoundation.org/

Contact: +44 20 8123 4321

Greenhouse Sports

Website: https://www.greenhousesports.org

Contact: +44 20 8576 6118

Power Up To Play

Website: https://www.poweruptoplay.org)

Contact: Not available

Podium Analytics

Website: Not available

Contact: Not available

The Matt Hampson Foundation

Website: https://matthampsonfoundation.org

Contact: +44 116 259 6220

Access Sport

Website: https://www.accesssport.org.uk

Contact: +44 20 7993 9883

Panathlon Challenge

Website: https://www.panathlon.com

Contact: +44 12 7720 0412


Website: https://www.limbpower.com

Contact: +44 208 133 0245

Sport in Mind

Website: https://www.sportinmind.org

Contact: +44 118 947 9762

Head for Change

Website: https://www.headforchange.org.uk

Contact: Not available

Switch The Play

Website: https://www.switchtheplay.com

Contact: Not available

Life After Professional Sport (LAPS)

Website: Not available

Contact: Not available

Sporting Equals

Website: https://www.sportingequals.org.uk

Contact: +44 121 777 1375


Website: https://www.sportsaid.org.uk

Contact: +44 20 7273 1975


Website: https://www.streetgames.org

Contact: +44 20 7922 7952

The Lord’s Taverners

Website: https://www.lordstaverners.org

Contact: +44 20 7821 2828

The UK Sports Association (UKSA)

Website: https://www.uksportsassociation.org

Contact: +44 20 7490 3057

Kobe Bryant

Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they've taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences.

Client Image

The work morale of employees is significantly raised by own teams’ wins in Sports

Institute of Labour Economics
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Teamworking is believed to be the top capability developed through competitive sports

Institute of Leadership
Client Image

60% of people who have NOT participated in Competitive Sports do not realise its importance

ILE, Birmingham
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Playing sports helps create sense of unity & camaraderie among employees, which can translate into a more productive & motivated workforce

Richard Branson
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Competitive Sports Develop The World’s Strongest Leaders. 75% who have played sport competitively believe that it gives skills and capabilities

Dan Lok
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Sports creates a bond between contemporaries that lasts a lifetime. It also gives your life structure, discipline and a genuine, sincere, pure fulfillment

Bob Cousy